terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012
SMILE!!! Don’t Be Afraid.
Don’t Be Afraid
"Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Mark 5:36
Sometimes what we need is just a word of encouragement, isn’t it?
And God gives a word—to the overwhelmed. To the downcast. To us. He urges, “Don’t’ be afraid; just believe.”
Believe that He can. Believe that He cares. Believe that He comes.
Mark it down. You will never go where God is not. You may be transferred, enlisted, commissioned, re-assigned, or hospitalized…. But brand this truth on your heart—Jesus promised, “I am with you always.” Don’t be afraid, just believe!
Make your fear a visitor and not a resident. Hasn’t fear taken enough? Enough smiles? Enough restful nights? Enough exuberant days?
The King David who had greatly experienced the mighty protector hand of God could freely shout and say: Psalms 23:4-6 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."
Make yourself a day changer to meet your fears with faith. Choose to make every day—a great day!
quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012
quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012
Mind Resources beside YOU!
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (KJ21)
Are you wise enough to use these resources God has put beside you?
These may be that person beside you, that work you despice, that community of useless people and many other opportunity you may have.
God loves you and always provides in your life. Be careful to detect God's provision in your life for you to experience great, briliant and sensational growth.
terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012
segunda-feira, 5 de março de 2012
sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012
Importa sim! CLICA AGORA E ADIRA JA: www.bbnbi.org
Mário perguntou a José: “Em que você crê?” José respondeu: “Eu creio no que meu pastor crê.” Então Mário perguntou: “No que o seu pastor crê?” José coçou a cabeça e disse: “Ele crê no que a nossa igreja crê.” Mário respondeu: “Isso é bom, mas no que sua igreja crê?” Por fim José respondeu: “Nós todos cremos na mesma coisa!”
Hoje muitos acham que uma crença é tão boa quanto qualquer outra. As palavras em alta são “tolerância” e “inclusão”. Dizem que, se a pessoa é sincera, Deus a aceita e que não se deve questionar o que outros creem. Muitos acham que todas as religiões levam a Deus e por isso, devemos caminhar todos juntos e aceitar as crenças dos outros. Mas... o que Deus diz na sua Palavra, a Bíblia Sagrada?
Na Bíblia encontramos que lá do céu Deus disse: “Este é o meu amado Filho, a Ele ouvi.” Jesus chamou alguns dos líderes religiosos daqueles dias, de víboras, hipócritas, mentirosos e seguidores do diabo. Paulo avisou: “. . . entrarão no meio de vós lobos cruéis (falsos mestres), homens que falarão coisas perversas, para atraírem discípulos após si.” Paulo continuou a instruir: “encomendo-vos a Deus e à Palavra da sua graça; a Ele que é poderoso para vos edificar. . .”
O que cremos é muito importante. O que a Bíblia ensina são as doutrinas, a base da nossa fé. Nossa fé precisa estar fundamentada nas verdades das Escrituras Sagradas, mas algumas pessoas vão sempre discordar e não vão gostar do nosso posicionamento. Pouco antes de ser martirizado, Paulo avisou: “. . virá tempo em que não suportarão a sã doutrina, mas tendo comichão nos ouvidos, amontoarão para si doutores conforme as suas próprias concupiscências (desejos e confortos pessoais). E desviarão os ouvidos da verdade, voltando às fábulas”.
Aqui na BBN oferecemos vários cursos doutrinários, 16 destes estão na divisão de Estudos Doutrinários. Faça um destes cursos para entender mais das verdades de Deus, e poder compartilhar sua fé com outras pessoas. Sua igreja precisa que você, seu pastor, todos estejam atentos aos ensinamentos ministrados, para que não se distanciem dos ensinamentos bíblicos. A verdade nunca muda nem se torna irrelevante. O erro deve ser encontrado e confrontado. Importa sim, que nossa fé esteja de acordo com a Bíblia!
Você pode fazer sua inscrição e iniciar hoje mesmo seus estudos. É totalmente grátis: www.bbnbi.org.
Deus abençoe você!
quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012
What is Greatness?
What is Greatness?
If someone were to ask you the question, “Who was the greatest person who ever lived?” what would be your answer?
Moses? King David? The Apostle Paul? Abraham Lincoln? Samora Moses Machel? Nelson Mandela? Patrice Emery Lumumba? Barak Obama?
What about. . . .John the Baptist?
Jesus said, “Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist.” (Matthew 11:11)
But why? Why was John the Baptist considered the greatest person who ever lived?
He wasn’t the son of a king. He was the son of a common, elderly couple.
He was despised by many and eventually decapitated.
He lived in isolation.
He fearlessly rebuked the people for sin.
He lived a separate way of life.
He didn’t even become a priest (like his father).
But when his miraculous birth was announced, Gabriel told Zacharias he would be “great in the eyes of the Lord.”
John would be the promised prophet who would prepare the way for the life and ministry of the Messiah. He would point many to Christ.
But Gabriel also said he would be filled with the Holy Spirit, “even from his mother’s womb.” God’s Spirit would be in total control of his life.
Others would have a huge influence – his godly mother and a wicked woman who arranged his death.
But the greatest influence on his life would be that of the Holy Spirit.
John the Baptist became “great,” because of who GOD made him to be.
But listen to what Jesus said next: “Not withstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”
Because greatness isn’t determined by. . .
What kind of human influences we’ve had in our lives, or haven’t had.
Who our family was, or wasn’t.
What we did for the Lord, or what we didn’t do.
True greatness is determined by what GOD has done in our lives.
It doesn’t matter whether we’re called . . .
“the least“,
“greater than”, or
“the greatest“.
If we’re seeking to be filled with His Spirit – letting HIM have total control – we’re considered “great in the eyes of the Lord.”
“GREAT” . . . .because of what God is making us to be. Oh Allelujah! we are what God wants us to be and not what human been considers us to be.
Greatness comes from God and not from North or south, east or west. If we duel in God and trust him, he will make us super man by his own will! Praise God!
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