quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010

Saints Church International

quarta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2010

The Church National Direction

National Committee of Saints Church International and Contacts
Country code (00258)
Registered in Mozambique under No 737, Livro B, folha 329 de registo das Confissões Religiosas.

1. Rev. Alfa SG Moambi, Apostle & Missionary - 825558452
2. Ev. Edmund B. Ntambwe, Evangelist - 824395400
3. Dr. Damson Chilengue, Pastor - 845559112
4. Br. Ercilio Machava, Preacher - 827780256
5. Br. Joao Ndzeko, Deacon - 828681176
6. Mother Anne Kapinga, chairlady - 847193561
7. Mother Virginia Nsambo, Assistant Chairlady- 825700902
8. Mother Sonia Mate, Secretary - 823945128
9. Mother Laura Machumale, Treasurer - 823697962
10. Br. Ernest Chauque, pastor and Crusader - 844122320


1. Sister Dercia Moiane - 824017947
2. Sister Ana Alvar - 828496112
3. Brother Rogerio Murrona - 845786986
4. Brother Francisco Tila - 820203919


1. Father Donca - 829014514
2. Father Campira - 822820852

International Head Quarters:
Rev Rajen Soobramoney

End of the Year Activities (Revised)

We are pleased to mention our plan for the end of this year 2010:

October: Crusade in City in order to start a new branch in Maputo City.

06-12 December: Regional Conference of Saints Church in the Central and North Region of Mozambique. The Conference will be held in Tete Province with all our churches from the Centre and North of Mozambique.

24 December 2010: Christmas Eve Night Vigil with a special Holy Comunion.

02 January 2011: Special First Service of the Year!

Please don't miss to these events and God will bless you Mightly!

For any information please call (00258)82 555 84 52 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (00258)82 555 84 52      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (00258)82 555 84 52      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or (00258)84 55 17 801 or email us at saintschurch@gmail.com

Stay blessed!

Remember: JESUS COMES SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!

sexta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2010

Trust in God and Stay Blessed!

Sometimes life is like hard burden and looks like we cannot make it.
Sometimes we feel the culpability within ourselves and we damn ourselves,
Sometimes we feel lonely and forsaken
Sometimes we say: why this to me.... and we have no idea of what to do.
Sometimes we feel like life has no sens and we are lost in this world...
Sometimes people in whom we trust betray us...
Sometimes we feel like no more living because we cannot see and talk to people we love...
When we look arround us we only see the horizon and forget about the heavenly provision.

Above all,
Without the love of God for you and for me,
Even the week days would be like:
Mourning day instead of Monday
Tears day instead of Tuesday
Waste day instead of Wednesday
Thirst day instead of Thursday
Fright day instead of Friday
Sad day instead of Saturday
Sunny day instead on Sunday

So let's be grateful to God for his Love to us!
God loves us. He sent his only begotten Son Jesus Christ to save us and die for us at the Cross of Calvary.
Why don't you receive him now to receive the remission of your sins?
Me too, I was worse than you. But by God's amazing grace I am saved today!
I can sing and say: Alleluiah! Praise God I am saved, Alleluiah!

You are the Target of God's blessings and the vessel of his power!
Rejoice and shout Alleluiah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rev. Alfa SG Moambi
Apostle & Missionary

The Kingdom of God is Like….

The Kingdom of God is Like….

I spoke at a conference in Waterloo a while ago. Two events had a deep impact on me, both on a single night. The first was the baptism of three Iranian women, “Persian”, as they prefer to be called. The second was video footage of the Karen people in Burma (or Myanmar), Christians brutally persecuted for their faith.

The three Persian women all gave testimonies, in halting English, with heartfelt emotion. All are recent converts from Islam – a religion they described as “rule-bound and joyless“. Their decision to follow Christ will cost them their families: their fathers and brothers will disown them, their mothers will be forbidden ever again to speak with them. Yet what stood out in these women was their joy and thankfulness. They reminded me of the Apostle Paul – “I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.” (Philippians 3:8). They drenched in the waters of baptism, and the rest of us drenched in the tears of astonishment. I spent some time with the Persian pastor and his wife, and told them that next time I’m in Toronto I’d come and visit their church. He was overjoyed: “You will bring us such encouragement,” he said. I don’t think he has any idea how much it’s the other way around.

The pastor from Burma, who brought the video footage, spoke of the stubborn faith of the Karen people – though displaced, tortured, imprisoned, killed for what they believe, they cling to Christ. He showed gruesome footage – a young boy whose leg was sheered off after stepping on a mine, men and women gashed from machete attacks, parents whose 9-year old daughter was abducted by the Burmese army. It reached the point that many people could hardly watch. Ten minutes into it, the pastor stopped it. “Le’s end it there,” he said, “before we get to the violent parts.” Before? You mean this gets worse? Yet, again, what stood out was this pastor’s unbridled joy. He exuded confidence in Christ and in his victory.

It brought me to my senses. It returned me to my first love. It restored the joy of my salvation.

And it made me feel like a wimp.

My conversion to Christ and my commitment to him have cost me almost nothing: Not relationships, not possessions, not limbs. Yet I find things to whine about anyhow. I can, with minimal provocation, feel hard done-by, “persecuted,” under-appreciated. To refer to my sermon last week, it takes me very little time – sometimes no more than 12 hours work in the vineyard – for my thankfulness to turn to bitterness, my joy to entitlement.

Lord, have mercy.

Did you practice losing this week? I did, with varied results. A few times I forgot myself – once, a driver raced in to beat me on the merge in a roundabout, and feelings not exactly akin to praise rose in me. Then I remembered, and thanked God.

A small step. Hardly heroic. Cost me nothing.

I have much to learn about the Kingdom of God from Persian women and Karen villagers.

By Brother Mark Buchanan